Ocean City, Maryland - Then & Now, Lot 49


LOT 49 – The Edwin Z. Purnell Store

Part One: 1875 – 1914

Of the four lots at the intersection of Baltimore Avenue and Talbot Street, the story of lot 49, occupying the southeast corner, is probably the least well-known.  Its history has been overshadowed by its more recognizable neighbors.  Directly across Baltimore Avenue is St. Mary Star of the Sea, Ocean City’s first house of worship that opened late in the summer of 1880.  On the northwest corner is the architecturally distinctive “Taylor House”.  And on the opposite side of Talbot Street was the Avondale Hotel, established by George and Fannie Givans in 1905, and later operated by Susie and George Rounds, catering to summer guests until it closed during World War II.  But each of the town’s original 204 lots has its own unique tale to tell.  What follows is the story of lot 49 – then and now..

     Worcester County farmer Peter L. Davis (1808 – 1889), one of the initial investors in the Atlantic Hotel Company, drew lot 49 at the special meeting held at the Atlantic Hotel on August 31, 1875 to distribute building lots in the new resort to company stockholders.  Davis did nothing with his lot, but for whatever reason, that was true of most of the building lots along Talbot Street between the Boardwalk and Baltimore Avenue.  In fact, by 1897 only one building existed along the south side of Talbot Street, a former saloon that had been transplanted from a spot on  Wicomico Street to the corner lot on the Boardwalk in 1879 and turned into a cottage.  On the north side of the street, there was only Anna Showell’s “Isle of Wight Cottage”, later known as the Mount Vernon Hotel.

     When Peter Davis died in 1889, he left unpaid assessments for the tax years 1887 – 1889 totaling 65¢ on his lot in Ocean City.  His heirs failed to pay the taxes due and the vacant lot was sold for $70 at a public auction held on August 12, 1890 to Jacob M. Holloway, a farmer from Sussex County, Delaware.  Holloway held on to the lot until May 1897, when he sold it, still unimproved, to Edwin Z. Purnell for $200.

     Edwin Zadock Purnell (1862 – 1945?) is one of the more enigmatic characters from Ocean City’s past.  He was the third of five sons born to Zadock Thomas Marshall Purnell (1832 – 1898) and Andasia Franklin Purnell (1827 – 1884).  His name was often misspelled as “Edward” or “Edwin L.” or even “Elwin”.  Details of his early life have not emerged.  In the 1880 census, for example, all of his older and younger siblings were living at home and working on their father’s farm, but Edwin was not among them.   

     Edwin first appears in the Worcester County land records in 1891.  In August of that year he paid James B. Pitts $1,100 for a building on the corner of Main Street and Lovely Lane in Berlin, where Edwin likely operated a dry goods store.  He sold the property to his younger brother William Robert Purnell in 1896, and  relocated his mercantile business to the booming resort town of Ocean City.  As noted, Edwin purchased lot 49 in 1897, where he had a building erected on the southern half of the lot (partially visible at the extreme left in Figure 1).  He did not live on the premises, but boarded with pound fisherman Samuel Ludlam and his wife Marion. 

     Edwin had joined the U.S. Life-Saving Service as a surfman, and was stationed at Ocean City by 1903.  The heroic actions of the surfmen in rescuing those shipwrecked along the shores of Assateague Island are well-documented.  Less is known about the conduct of their daily lives between rescue operations.  With six men living in close quarters and confronting unpleasant working conditions, it is perhaps inevitable that frictions could develop.

     In March 1903, issues that had existed at the Ocean City station “for sometime” came to a head.  Station keeper Joshua J. Dunton, who had been in charge since March 1892, was accused by his crew of favoritism, being habitually absent from his post (especially during the months of July through September), ungentlemanly conduct, misusing his position to further his political ambitions and keeping liquor at the station.  The U.S. Life-Saving Service conducted an on-site investigation into the charges on March 11 – 13.  After reviewing the sworn testimony given by Captain Dunton and his accusers, General Superintendent Sumner I. Kimball found both captain and crew guilty of failing to adhere to the standards of the Service, and issued a severe reprimand to all involved.  Five of the Ocean City crew members were reassigned to other stations as a result.  Only the previous exemplary record of the station prevented the outright dismissal of Dunton and the surfmen.

     The only Ocean City surfman not involved in the reorganization ordered by Superintendent Kimball was Edwin Purnell, whose testimony at the hearing in March had been supportive of Captain Dunton.  Purnell either resigned or retired from the Life-Saving Service shortly after this incident.  He moved to the Norfolk, Virginia area by April 1904, where he lived with a widower named Willie Ward and managed a grocery store.  The circumstances that led Edwin to choose Norfolk for his new home are unknown, as is who was minding his store on the corner of Baltimore Avenue and Talbot Street in Ocean City during his absence.

     Edwin had returned to Worcester County by 1912, and embarked on a new line of business.  He partnered with Turner Cropper, William Gibbs, Charles A. Parker, William H. Parker and Riley N. Quillen to form the “Atlantic Fish Company”.  Christopher Ludlam, who introduced pound fishing to Ocean City in 1897, sold the partners a lot on the west side of Baltimore Avenue between South 2nd and South 3rd Streets in 1913 as a base for their operation.  Edwin also continued to operate his store on lot 49, to which he added a second structure on the northerly half around 1914.  That structure became known as the “Edwin Z. Purnell Store”. 

     John E. Lynch and his wife Minnie purchased the original building on the southerly half of lot 49 from Edwin Purnell in May 1914.  The purchase price was not stated, but it was at least $1,700, the amount of the mortgage that the Lynches gave to Purnell.



LOT 49 – The Edwin Z. Purnell Store

Part Two: 1914 – Present

     A brief recap of Part One: U.S. Life-Saving Service surfman Edwin Z. Purnell purchased the vacant lot 49 on the southeast corner of Baltimore Avenue and Talbot Street in 1897, and erected a store on the southern portion.  After quitting the service in 1903 following a controversy between the keeper and the crew, Edwin lived and worked in Norfolk, Virginia between about 1904 and 1912.  Once back in Ocean City, he joined with five other men to incorporate the Atlantic Fish Company.  In 1914 he added a second store to his downtown property and sold the other building to John & Minnie Lynch.

     Now in his mid-fifties, Edwin seemed content to live quietly and alone.  He dabbled a bit in real estate, both in Ocean City and on the mainland, mostly lending money to others (he was always repaid), and, with the exception of his store on Talbot Street, seldom holding on to an investment for long.  He acquired a furnished houseboat from Eugene Beauchamp in 1916, and when he wasn’t working he presumably spent his time aboard his floating home on the bay.

     Edwin bailed out of the Atlantic Fish Company in 1917, selling his interest to the remaining partners.  But a year later he joined with Charles H. Clarke, Jr., Charles Lee Parker and John R. Massey to form the “Isle of Wight Fish Company”, operating out of a building on the southwest corner of Baltimore Avenue and South 3rd Street that the men had purchased from William B. S. Powell and John H. Long.  He was also briefly involved in 1919 with the Elliott brothers – William, John and Joseph – in their fish company.  The Isle of Wight fish camp was later wiped out in the storm of August 1933 that formed the inlet.

     The 1930 census report shows Edwin rooming with the widow Josephine Bowden, her granddaughter, also named Josephine, and two other boarders at Bowden’s house on Worcester Street.  He stated that he had no occupation.  Josephine Bowden reported that she was the owner and manager of a grocery store.  It is possible that Edwin was no longer able to keep up with the daily demands of running his store on Talbot Street and had handed that responsibility over to Mrs. Bowden.

     Edwin eventually developed diabetes, and in late February 1941 complications from the disease landed him in Peninsula General Hospital in Salisbury.  While convalescing at the hospital he came to a curious conclusion – he was going to get married.  This remarkable story appeared on the front page of The Salisbury Advertiser on March 7, 1941.

     A pleasant-faced bride of less than a week kept vigil today at the bedside of her [79]-year-old husband at Peninsula General Hospital where the couple were united in a wheelchair ceremony.

     The bridegroom is Edwin Z. Purnell of Ocean City, retired from a career as coast guardsman.  He was in service at the U.S. Coast Guard Station at Ocean City.

     Mrs. Purnell is the former Josephine Campbell, also of Ocean City, former waitress, who now operates a resort rooming house.  She is in her forties and is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Asher Campbell of Ocean City.

     Mr. Purnell was seated in a wheelchair during the ceremony, which was performed Monday afternoon by Dr. Thomas A. Williams, pastor of Wicomico Presbyterian Church in Salisbury.

     Mrs. Purnell’s friend, Mrs. Clarence Carey, of Ocean City and Mr. Purnell’s lawyer, Franklyn Upshur, of Berlin stood in the hospital room during the ceremony.  Mr. Purnell’s private nurse also was present.

     Although too ill to be questioned, Mr. Purnell, who looks younger than his years, was eager to talk about reports of a Norwegian vessel reported in trouble of Maridel Beach in Ocean City [the freighter “Olaf Bergh”].

     “Oh, yes, I know exactly where that is,” he said, recalling to himself his own experience in aiding lost boats and seamen.

     We have met Miss Josephine Campbell before, in the story of the lot on the southwest corner of Baltimore Avenue and Wicomico Street (lot 45).  Josephine came to Ocean City with her mother around 1925.  It would be fascinating to learn how and when she met Edwin.  Perhaps he had dined at the restaurant where she worked as a waitress, or she had met him while shopping at his store, or maybe he had taken a room at her lodging establishment.  Most likely we will never know that story, or how it was that Edwin, in failing health, decided to take Josephine as his wife.

     Less than two months after the wedding, Edwin re-titled the store on Talbot Street in both of their names.  It isn’t known exactly when Edwin died, but Josephine was a widow by 1946.  She rented out the first floor of Edwin’s store to various commercial tenants, including Kitty’s Apparel during the 1950s, and accomodated summertime guests in the second floor apartments.  Josephine sold the building in 1969 to Philadelphians Fay and Leon Kramer for $50,000. 

     The store on the southern half of lot 49 remained in the Lynch family until 1962 when John and Ruth Lynch sold it to W. Preston Laws.  Laws had operated his grocery store out of one part of the building since 1919.  In the 1940s Doris and Lester Wise opened the Knotty Pine Restaurant, a popular downtown eatery, in the other part of the building.  Albert Wells and Linwood Hitch bought the building from Laws in 1973.

     In 1979 – 1980 the two buildings on lot 49 were purchased by Parshotam and Ramesh Sethi.  While most of the oceanfront block between Talbot and Dorchester Streets disappeared under the massive footprint of the Belmont Towers project initiated in 2006, Mr. and Mrs. Sethi opted instead to redevelop the corner of Baltimore Avenue and Talbot Street into the Board’s Edge Village Condominium as part of the Ocean City Development Corporation’s revitalization initiative.  The site now includes three retail stores on the first floor and four residential units on the second floor.




In Memory of George Murray Hurley