Directions to the Museum
The physical address of the Museum is:
813 SOUTH Atlantic Avenue, Ocean City, MD 21842
We are located at the extreme southern end of the famous Ocean City Boardwalk, overlooking the Inlet and Assateague Island.
With a large municipal parking lot next door, there's plenty of parking for your trip to the Museum and the Boardwalk rides.
When arriving in Ocean City on Route 50, turn right after you cross the drawbridge and follow Philadelphia to the end, where it loops to the left to a T at Trimper's Amusement Park. Turn right and follow South Baltimore around the last curve to the inlet parking lot. You have just driven around us! We're the tall clapboarded building on the left as you enter the Hugh Cropper Parking Lot.
The boardwalk begins right at our door! Shopping, food, rides, all in a carnival atmosphere overlooking the beautiful Atlantic Ocean.