Calvin B. Taylor House
Located at 208 N Main Street, Berlin, MD 21811
All events are being held on the museum lawn
Wednesday, October 5th at 4:30 PM: Junior Historians (Free Event)
Come for a night of historical fun and learn about the museum's collections! Make a camera obscura and interact with items from our archival collection. Ages 8-15.
Saturday, October 8th from 2:00-5:00 PM: Homecoming Harvest (Free Event)
Celebrate local history, record your own oral history, and join the opening ceremony for the new Mary Humphreys Arboretum. Food, music, and photo ops!
Wednesday, October 12th at 5:00 PM: Clothing & Costume Tour (Free Event)
Take a closer look at our archival collection of textiles from Berlin families during our CLOTHING & COSTUME TOUR. View an 1870's wedding gown, a whalebone corset, a horsehair cloak, and much, much more!
Wednesday, October 19th at 6:00 PM: Not-So-Spooky Tour (Free Event)
Join us for a candlelight tour of the museum after dark! Hear stories about the lives of people in 1840’s Berlin. All ages.
To learn more visit: CALVIN B. TAYLOR HOUSE