Calvin B. Taylor House

Located at 208 N Main Street, Berlin, MD 21811

All events are being held on the museum lawn

  • Wednesday, October 5th at 4:30 PM: Junior Historians (Free Event)

    Come for a night of historical fun and learn about the museum's collections! Make a camera obscura and interact with items from our archival collection. Ages 8-15.  

  •  Saturday, October 8th from 2:00-5:00 PM: Homecoming Harvest (Free Event)

    Celebrate local history, record your own oral history, and join the opening ceremony for the new Mary Humphreys Arboretum. Food, music, and photo ops!

  • Wednesday, October 12th at 5:00 PM: Clothing & Costume Tour (Free Event)

    Take a closer look at our archival collection of textiles from Berlin families during our CLOTHING & COSTUME TOUR. View an 1870's wedding gown, a whalebone corset, a horsehair cloak, and much, much more!

  • Wednesday, October 19th at 6:00 PM: Not-So-Spooky Tour (Free Event)

    Join us for a candlelight tour of the museum after dark! Hear stories about the lives of people in 1840’s Berlin. All ages.

To learn more visit: CALVIN B. TAYLOR HOUSE


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